On 04/11/2023 12:02, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
The old-school way to test this is to run xev(1), probably found in
package x11-utils.  Just run it in a terminal window on your desktop.
A small window white window appears.  Events that window receives are
spewed to the terminal.  Move the mouse over it and try each of the
buttons in turn.  You should see a ButtonPress and a ButtonRelease
Yes.  I tried xev first with similar results.
It sounds like your middle button's flaky.  Consider giving it a clean
inside or whacking the mouse into the palm of your hand a couple of
I tried the whacking solution by accident (I dropped the mouse onto a hard floor) and then tried your method.  Still not working.  I'm nor sure how to get inside without destroying the mouse, so I think a new one is probably needed.  It is a very old USB Microsoft 'Basic Optical Mouse' and the plastic is looking a bit ancient now anyway. I think I won't lament its going.

Terry Coles

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