Hi Ralph,

That was an interesting read. I wasn't up-to-date enough to know about 
NVMe over fabrics, nor that the Pi 5 can be attached to an NVMe SSD.

On Tue, 21 May 2024 17:31:07 +0100, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> The Linux kernel has NVMe support since 5.0; package nvme-cli drives
> it.

Linux certainly had at least some support for NVMe before version 5.0. 
I think you must be referring to a subset of the NVMe functionality 
being added in version 5.0.

The earliest Linux distribution I installed on NVMe storage was 
Kubuntu 16.04.1, using Ubuntu's 4.4.0-36-generic kernel and later 
versions. It had to be installed from a modified ISO image, since the 
standard installation media wouldn't detect the NVMe SSD.

Wikipedia says NVMe support was first added to mainline Linux in 
version 3.3.

Best wishes,


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