While on the topic of drives on Pi's; I did read this post by Jeff Geerling the 
other day.
Might be something worth looking into if you won't benefit from the additional 
bandwidth and features of NVMe.


Seems somewhat interesting if you were, say, to build a small NAS.
I'm not too sure how well ZFS or whatever filesystem you decide to use would 
fair performance-wise when used in RAID but seems to be worth a deeper dive 
I wonder if I could get SATA and NVMe running as some kind of cache, with the 
SATA drives being used for mass storage?

I have seen people make some fairly interesting boards for the Pi `Compute 
Modules`, which might be worth looking into too at some point, but I am also 
looking into some of the non-pi SBCs like the Pine64 and Radxa's for a project, 
so who knows where that will go.
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