----- Original Message ----- From: "Aurelian POPA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > In builddf.log fileI found this: > ********************************************************** > Linking d:\sscli_~1\sscli\clr\src\csharp\csharp\sccomp directory ******************** > 'NMAKE.EXE -c BUILDMSG=Stop. -i LINKONLY=1 NOPASS0=1 NTTEST= UMTEST= MAKEDLL=1 ROTOR_X86=1' > NMAKE : U1073: don't know how to make 'D:\SSCLI_~1\sscli\clr\bin\rotor_x86\fastchecked\cscutil.lib' Stop. BUILD: NMAKE.EXE failed - rc = 2
Odds are the real problem occurred somewhere before this point is reached; it's probably the part of the build process in charge of building "cscutil.lib" that failed. Note an annoying fact about 'build' and 'nmake' : 'build' invokes 'nmake' with the "-i" switch, which means that nmake does not stop a build when an error occurs ('build' itself tries to interpret nmake's output to find out when there's a problem,and it occasionally fails). This means that when a build fails, the real error can be located much, much earlier (and much higher in builddf.log). So my advice would be to search for "cscutil.lib" in the logs, try to find where it should get built and whether it does Louis-Philippe Gagnon Macadamian Technologies Inc.