They could include the glue that allows you to embed Rotor into their
product, but they could not bundle Rotor into their core distro without
significant modifications to their license.

Then, non-commercial users could:

  1) download and install Rotor
  2) download TheirSQL
  3) configure TheirSQL with --with-rotor (or whatever they called the
     configuration option).
  4) compile and install TheirSQL at their site.

On Sat, 3 Aug 2002, Peter Drayton wrote:

> Ted's close, but allow me to clarify my end of the discussion: ;-)
> While Apache or MySql could host Rotor, including Rotor as part of the
> core distro for these products would cause significant problems,
> licensing-wise, because while products like Apache or MySql are often
> used in commercial settings, Rotor is only licensed for non-commercial
> use (unless you talk to Microsoft). Obviously, Apache/MySql could
> technically host Rotor, but the combination of licensing issues (AFAICT
> - please correct me if this is wrong) and Ted's observations that the
> hosting APIs for Rotor are not as rich as the desktop CLR leave me
> asking "why would they?".
> I can totally imagine server products wanting to host a VM, but on
> Windows wouldn't they be more inclined to use the desktop CLR, which
> doesn't have the licensing issues?
> I'd love to hear if other people on this list think that there's going
> to be real interest from the OSS community in hosting Rotor in products
> that are used commercially.
> --Peter

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