 i checked the environment vars, they are all set right, but gdb complains
about DumpStack?
do i have anything extra to make it work?

(gdb) call SOS("DumpStack")
SOS:  Command 'DumpStack' not found.


On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Barry Bond wrote:

> SOS does work on FreeBSD - you invoke it differently than you do on Windows though.  
> From the GDB prompt, switch to thread #5 and type:
>         call SOS("DumpStack")
> that is equivalent to doing this in NTSD:
>         !sos.DumpStack
> To find the start of the jitted function, disassemble backwards until you find a 
> "push %ebp" opcode followed by "mov %esp, %ebp".  Subtract 4 from the address of the 
> "push %ebp" opcode and you'll find a 4-byte pointer stored there, which points to a 
> pair of pointers to strings.  I don't have a FreeBSD box handy, but I think "disas 
> 0x290be09d-0x40 0x290be09d" will disassemble 0x40 bytes worth of code just before 
> the machine code in #5.  If you don't see the "push %ebp / mov %esp, %ebp" there, 
> then keep going backwards until you do find it.
> Barry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of the Rotor Shared Source CLI implementation [mailto:[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Archana
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 9:03 AM
> Subject: [DOTNET-ROTOR] tracking the source of an alloc
> Hi,
>  How can one find out where the call to GcHEap::Alloc is
> originating from?
> i had sent a similar mail regarding how to debug in
> such cases long time back (ref:help needed wrt debugging, Jul24,2003,
> that Barry Bond helped me with). i tried the method that was
> suggested. but i am not able to locate the prolog here. and i dont know if
> i can use SOS in the Free BSD platform?
> i am running the application through gdb (Free BSD) and
> doing a backtrace, this is what i get...
> Looking at the machine code at #5 in the following output
> [ #5  0x290be09d in ?? ()], which is
> Dump of assembler code from 0x290be09d to 0x290be19d:
>     0x290be09d: add    $0x8,%esp
>     0x290be0a0: add    $0x4,%esp
>     0x290be0a3: push   %eax
>     0x290be0a4: mov    $0x290b5bc4,%eax
>     0x290be0a9: push   %eax
>     0x290be0aa: mov    $0x28541678,%eax
>     0x290be0af: call   *%eax
>     0x290be0b1: add    $0x4,%esp
>     0x290be0b4: mov    $0x290b564c,%eax
>     0x290be0b9: push   %eax
>     0x290be0ba: mov    $0x28539b50,%eax
>     0x290be0bf: call   *%eax
>     0x290be0c1: add    $0x4,%esp
>     0x290be0c4: push   %eax
>     0x290be0c5: mov    $0x2d0d0568,%eax
>     0x290be0ca: call   *%eax
>     0x290be0cc: add    $0x8,%esp
>     0x290be0cf: push   %esp
>     0x290be0d0: push   %ebp
>     0x290be0d1: mov    $0xc,%eax
>     0x290be0d6: push   %eax
>     0x290be0d7: mov    $0x2d0d02b4,%eax
>     0x290be0dc: call   *%eax
>     0x290be0de: add    $0xc,%esp
>     0x290be0e1: mov    0xfffffffc(%ebp),%esi
>     0x290be0e4: mov    %ebp,%esp
>     0x290be0e6: pop    %ebp
>     0x290be0e7: ret
>     0x290be0e8: add    %al,(%eax)
>     0x290be0ea: add    %al,(%eax)
>     0x290be0ec: add    %al,(%eax)
> ...............
> Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
> 0x280cff40 in DBG_DebugBreak () at ../context.c:390
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x280cff40 in DBG_DebugBreak () at ../context.c:390
> #1  0x28081cb2 in DebugBreak () at ../debug.c:220
> #2  0x28737a66 in Alloc (size=16, bFinalize=0, bContainsPointers=0) at
> /usr/home/archana/fastgc/sscli/clr/src/vm/wks/../gcscan.cpp:82
> #3  0x28513e63 in FastAllocateObject (pMT=0x2909fb94) at
> /usr/home/archana/fastgc/sscli/clr/src/vm/wks/../gcscan.cpp:975
> #4  0x2853fd70 in JIT_Box (type=0x2909fb94, unboxedData=0xbfbfb254) at
> /usr/home/archana/fastgc/sscli/clr/src/vm/wks/../jitinterface.cpp:6737
> #5  0x290be09d in ?? ()
> #6  0x2834bc05 in donestack () from
> /usr/home/archana/fastgc/sscli/build/v1.x86fstchk.rotor/libsscoree.so
> #7  0x283e18eb in CallDescrWorker (pSrcEnd=0xbfbfb844, numStackSlots=0,
> pArgumentRegisters=0xbfbfb814, pTarget=0x290b5a93) at
> /usr/home/archana/fastgc/sscli/clr/src/vm/wks/../class.cpp:9769
> #8  0x2854ea3e in MethodDesc::CallDescr (this=0x290b5a98,
> pTarget=0x290b5a93 "él\205", pModule=0x81b2c00, pMetaSigOrig=0x290b6b44,
> fIsStatic=1, pArguments=0x0) at
> /usr/home/archana/fastgc/sscli/clr/src/vm/wks/../method.cpp:740
> #9  0x2854e274 in MethodDesc::Call (this=0x290b5a98, pArguments=0x0,
> sig=0x290b6b44) at
> /usr/home/archana/fastgc/sscli/clr/src/vm/wks/../method.cpp:567
> #10 0x283e2a96 in EEClass::RunClassInit (this=0x29047d6c,
> pEntry=0x81f9200, pThrowable=0xbfbfc784) at
> /usr/home/archana/fastgc/sscli/clr/src/vm/wks/../class.cpp:10010
> #11 0x283e322a in EEClass::DoRunClassInitHelper (this=0x29047d6c,
> pThrowable=0xbfbfc784, pLocalBlock=0x806cc3c, pEntry=0x81f9200,
> fRunClassInit=1) at
> /usr/home/archana/fastgc/sscli/clr/src/vm/wks/../class.cpp:10064
> ...........
> thanks & Regards
> archana
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