 wrt the following test program, i am trying to find out how exactly the
jit manages alloc-stmts,

namespace DefaultNamespace {
using System;
public class Test {
 int x;
 public Test() {
1->  Random r=new Random(1234);
public class mainclass {
    public static int Main() {
     Console.WriteLine("first stmt");
2->     Test t=new Test();
     return 0;

referring to allocation point 1, a call to compileCEE_NEWOBJ is made,
which ultimately calls JIT_NewArr1 that can be captured by a break. but
wrt alloc point 2, no such call is
made. but if we disassemble the code, both the allocations have
corresponding newobj opcodes-
IL_000b: newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.Random::.ctor(int32)
IL_000a: newobj     instance void DefaultNamespace.Test::.ctor()
could someone pls explain what happens to the second alloc call, how is it
handled? is it handled thru emitCore(..)? if yes, how does the control
flow to that function, and can we track it somehow?

Thanks & regards

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