I've just started to play around with Rotor and have a couple of newbie

1. How do I quickly compile the code in the clr/src/vm folder quickly after
making a small change. Let's say I change one or two lines in Assembly.cpp.
Right now, what I do is to go to the clr/src folder and run 'build' at the
command prompt. However, this takes ages to complete. There has to be an
easier way but I can't figure out what that is after looking through the
command line options for build

2.I'm doing a devenv /debugexe clix for getting Rotor debugging inside
VS.NET. Is there an easier way to do this? I would love to have stuff like
Go to definition/reference work inside the IDE.

3. And the ..err..most embarassing question of all. Why don't normal printfs
or fwprintfs work inside the vm.For e.g, I put a fwprintf inside
Assembly::ExecuteMainMethod but though I stepped inside PAL returning it
stdout, I never saw the output. I have logging enabled in rotor.ini and am
seeing other messages. I know that I can use the LOG macros..but I want to
know why normal printfs don't work

Thanks in advance,

I blog at http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/weblog/sriram


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