Hello everybody, this is my first post.

I've been working for a while on a compiler based on ROTOR's C# compiler
source code. In particular, my efforts concentrate on the lexer and the
parser at the moment. My compiler is basically a copy of the
clr\src\csharp\csharp folder, with some additions and modifications.

The C# compiler is meant to be built with the VS.NET tools, but it
doesn't come with a Visual Studio project file: I work with basic
editing tools and build via commandline, which is not very bad once you
get used to it. The hard part, however, is the debugging: I really miss
the VS integrated debugger and the ability to step through the lines of
code. I've been able to do some "homemade" debugging by printf'ing here
and there, but that's a lot of work and not always useful.

Since a lot of standard VS debug information is generated together with
the binaries, I was wondering if there was a way to feed the VS debugger
with this information and then follow the code in the source files, even
without a project file. I've tried creating one, but for some reason it
won't work, maybe there's something I miss?

I've tried attaching to the exe with the Tools->Debug Processes...
debugger, but it complains for the lack of a source code; I believed the
source files were listed in the .pdb files, but looks like I was wrong.

Should the VS way not be possible, I'd still like to know if there are
other (commercially or freely) available tools to do the debugging.

Can anybody help? Any hint will be appreciated. Thanks.


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