have you tried using the windows debugger? Check out the link:
http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/installx86.mspx. I
have used this debugger to step into the rotor's C# source code. Its
very useful app.


On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 18:53:47 +0100, Dax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody, this is my first post.
> I've been working for a while on a compiler based on ROTOR's C# compiler
> source code. In particular, my efforts concentrate on the lexer and the
> parser at the moment. My compiler is basically a copy of the
> clr\src\csharp\csharp folder, with some additions and modifications.
> The C# compiler is meant to be built with the VS.NET tools, but it
> doesn't come with a Visual Studio project file: I work with basic
> editing tools and build via commandline, which is not very bad once you
> get used to it. The hard part, however, is the debugging: I really miss
> the VS integrated debugger and the ability to step through the lines of
> code. I've been able to do some "homemade" debugging by printf'ing here
> and there, but that's a lot of work and not always useful.
> Since a lot of standard VS debug information is generated together with
> the binaries, I was wondering if there was a way to feed the VS debugger
> with this information and then follow the code in the source files, even
> without a project file. I've tried creating one, but for some reason it
> won't work, maybe there's something I miss?
> I've tried attaching to the exe with the Tools->Debug Processes...
> debugger, but it complains for the lack of a source code; I believed the
> source files were listed in the .pdb files, but looks like I was wrong.
> Should the VS way not be possible, I'd still like to know if there are
> other (commercially or freely) available tools to do the debugging.
> Can anybody help? Any hint will be appreciated. Thanks.
> --
> Dax
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