
I have a problem with the trash plugin.
i'm not English, but if i ave understand this 
http://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/Trash , if a mailbox is full (90% for example) 
and i want to delete a mail, the plugin delete a mail in mailbox specified in a 
file ...

I have this :

dovecot.conf :
protocol imap {


  mail_plugins = quota imap_quota trash

plugin {
  trash = /etc/dovecot-trash.conf

And in dovecot-trash.conf :
# Spam mailbox is emptied before Trash
1 Spam
# Trash mailbox is emptied before Sent
2 Trash
# If both Sent and "Sent Messages" mailboxes exist, the next oldest message
# to be deleted is looked up from both of the mailboxes.
3 Sent
3 Sent Messages

I have  3 mail in a 20Mb mailbox :
2 in Mailbox (5.1mb both)
1 in Trash (6.2Mb)

When i try to delete a mail from my mailbox i have a error and i only see this 
in maillog :

Jan 28 15:49:37 soez dovecot: child 28398 (imap) killed with signal 11

Thanks for your help !!

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