On Feb 22, 2008, at 8:23 AM, Gerhard Wiesinger wrote:

Hello Timo!

Looks like that mbox index handling still doesn't work with deliver:
1.) 1s mail delivered: Only dovecot.index.log is generated.

This is correct. dovecot.index doesn't need to be created/updated always, and dovecot.index.cache isn't created because there's nothing that's known wanted to be cached.

2.) Delivering several mails (e.g. 20x50MB=1GB) and opening with dovecot 1.0: Still slow. (after 2 times 1 time opened with dovecot 1.0 to generate indexes).

What do you mean by "open"? If you open it with an IMAP client it probably fetches a lot of data and Dovecot needs to parse the messages for that. deliver doesn't pre-cache anything it doesn't know a client wants, so this is slow for the first messages. But if you do for example:

1. deliver the first mail
2. open the mailbox
3. deliver lots of large mails
4. open the mailbox again

It should be fast. (and I just tested - it is)

BTW: Is the index of 1.1 and 1.0 compatible?

They should be, but if you still have problems with it being slow, maybe there's a small incompatibility.

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