Raphael Bittencourt S. Costa wrote:
I moved the maildir location from Hitachi's storage to local sas disk
and got the same erro using imaptest. Debug doesn't show any usable
information. :-(

Any ideas?
To trace your problem you need to debug kernel... as it is kernel level crash.
Try ask for help in kernel.org  newsgroups.

from your logs:
Pid: 24319, comm: imap Tainted: P U #1

this line means - kernel is "tainted": P - A module with a Proprietary license has been loaded
U - An Unsupported module has been loaded, i.e. a module which is not supported 
by Novell (SuSE specific flag)

[ see: 

Try unload propertary and unsupported modules ; then run imaptest again.

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