On Fri, 2008-04-04 at 08:48 -0500, Jack McKinney wrote:
>       Is wireshark something like tcpdump?

Yes, except it parses the replies so it can show the LDAP request/reply

>       My LDAP server and my Dovecot server are on the same machine, and the
> LDAP server claims to send the response.  Since the same query from a
> CLI tool (ldapsearch) creates the same LDAP log entries, I suspect that
> OpenLDAP is indeed sending, but Dovecot is not receiving...

But as you noticed with those i_info() lines, Dovecot didn't receive the
reply from OpenLDAP. So there's something wrong in the middle.

Also a lot of people have LDAP working fine, so I doubt the problem is
with Dovecot's code.

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