No, it isn't. I have verified the connection with "openssl s_client".
Besides, the server is receiving the username "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", so
the connection has already been made by this time.
        What is happening every time is that dovecot sends the correct query to
OpenLDAP (as noted in the log below), OpenLDAP receives that query
(according to its log) and responds with one match, but dovecot never
seems to see that response.  180 seconds after the auth fails, dovecot
drops the connection with the IMAP client for inactivity.

On Wed, 2008-04-16 at 19:41 +0100, Gavin Henry wrote:
> <quote who="Jack McKinney">
> > Apr  3 08:13:21 fourier dovecot: auth(default): new auth connection:
> > pid=15774
> > Apr  3 08:13:30 fourier dovecot: auth(default): client in:
> > AUTH^I1^IPLAIN^Iservice=IMAP^Isecured^Ilip=x.x.x.x^Irip=y.y.y.y^Iresp=<hidden>
> > Apr  3 08:13:30 fourier dovecot: auth(default):
> > ldap([EMAIL PROTECTED],y.y.y.y): bind search: base=ou=users,
> > dc=lorentz,dc=com
> > filter=(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)([EMAIL PROTECTED]))
> > Apr  3 08:16:30 fourier dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Inactivity:
> > method=PLAIN, rip=y.y.y.y, lip=x.x.x.x, TLS
> >
> This isn't a TLS mismatch kidn of thing is it?
Jack McKinney
GPG 1024D/99C6A174
[EMAIL PROTECTED] YM:lfaatsnat2006 AIM:jackmclorentz
Beware geeks bearing diffs

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