On Wednesday, November 19 at 10:56 AM, quoth Adam McDougall:
Just wanted to mention that 1.1.6 seems fine so far in our testing, and I think the lack of reported problems on the mailing list is probably a very good sign!

For whatever reason, we ran into the "userdb didn't return a home directory" problem with 1.1.6, and quickly downgraded back to 1.1.5. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.mail.imap.dovecot/34008/focus=34009

It's rather silly too, since the userdb *does* return a home directory (which is why I'm skeptical of the "fix" mentioned there that forces a default home directory of /tmp). Here's hoping 1.1.7 (whenever it comes out) is a smoother upgrade.

History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.
                                                  -- Winston Churchill

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