Matt Rude wrote, On 1/25/09 10:49 PM:
How can I make it so my users can not create folders with spaces in
them? Or allow them to create such folders but rewrite them on the
hardrive with a "_" or some other symbol. I have looked threw the wiki
but couldn't find anything about folder name restrictions or folder name
rewriting (rewrite the space to a "_").

That is probably in large part due to it being a very bad idea. As the first break point for that approach: what happens when a user wants to put a real '_' in a name?

Im having problems with some of the expire and compress scripts when it
hits these types of folders.

You need to fix those scripts. Breaking because a file or directory name has a space in it is a warning sign about the care taken in a script and it is almost certain that if those scripts don't work with spaces in names, they will also break with other technically achievable names. There's a real chance that the breakage is an exploitable weakness in the scripts, with spaces in names being the most benign attack.

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