On Feb 7, 2009, at 1:47 AM, Frank Cusack wrote:

    for (i = j = 0;
removed this warning, and removed my doubts :-)

Should be
for (i = (j = 0);

a = b = ... is not legal, although gcc does accept it.

Really? I've seen a=b=c like code for a long time. But I can't say exactly where C99 would allow that. Anyway I'd think parenthesis only affect precedence ordering, not whether something is allowed or not.

Although there is one example in C99 spec (well, I've only a draft) that seems to suggest it's legal: Environment

double d1, d2;
float f;
d1 = f = expression;
d2 = (float) expressions;
the values assigned to d1 and d2 are required to have been converted to float.

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