On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Scott Silva wrote:

I just found this;
I guess Outlook 2003 introduced a newer version of the PST files that has a
20GB (twenty GB ) limit, but they have to be created with 2003, and they are
not backward compatible.

True, for anything but IMAP. IMAP in Outlook2003 is still forced to be non-unicode in old-style PST's. (Which indeed does screw up when receiving mails in Russian unicode charset.. rather badly.)
Starting from Outlook2007 you can use unicode PST's for IMAP connections.

I'm seriously considering doing some evaluation of the Bynari Insight connector, which could make my life somewhat easier. Problem is that Dovecot is not officially supported, and it has some notes about email virus scanners having to be disabled for it to work properly. (And of course the licensing / activation issue which makes it less practical for setups that have intermittent internet connections.)
Is there anyone here who has experience with this?

[yes, I think I'll start a fresh thread about that..]


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