Steffen Kaiser wrote:
- Is there any functionality you'd like it to do?

+ (re-)index selected mailboxes, maybe recursively, based on mailbox and/or possibly corrupted, existing indexes

+ remove/sanitize (user-) flags from mailboxes

I was going to suggest this ... something to at least go through and clean up the size flags on Maildir (which seems worthwhile, especially for people using quotas).

+ acl evaluator / tester / "effective rights of user XYZ"

Certainly a +1 on that... as I'm about to implement ACLs and it'd be nice to be able to test I've got it right from a simple command line tool.

+ transform messages from one storage format into another, keeping all IMAP-related information, e.g. to find duplicate or unwanted messages across mailboxes/users.

Additional to this would be (plugin permitting) to compress Maildir, or recompress+reindex mbox (Am I right in thinking compressed mbox can be appended to, but not modified? In which case recompressing could likely save some extra space.)

Curtis Maloney

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