On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 15:03 -0500, Jim wrote:
> >> Does it
> >>
> >> a) Hang after "Trying"
> >> b) Hang after "Escape character is '^]'."
> >> c) Say connect to address Connection refused
> >
> > Naturally, now that I'm trying to duplicate the issue, I can't get  
> > it to act up.  If I can get into a mode where it stops working  
> > again, I'll try that and report back.
> Finally had this happen again.  Connecting via localhost worked just  
> fine, returned "OK Dovecot ready".

If Dovecot is answering on localhost, I can't think of any reasons why
it wouldn't answer to non-localhost connections.

> Connecting via my domain name  
> resulted in a hung connection that eventually just timed out.

So did it time out on a) or b)?

And you say "domain name", what about IP address? If the problem is with
DNS resolving?

> The only odd thing that I noticed when I went to stop and restart the  
> Dovecot process is that only one dovecot-auth process was running,  
> normally I see two processing running.  After quitting Dovecot and  
> starting it again, I saw two dovecot-auth processes start up, and then  
> I was able to get mail just fine.

Was one of them "dovecot -w" process? Anyway the number of dovecot-auth
processes shouldn't really make a difference.

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