
I recently upgraded from Dovecot 1.1.8 to 1.1.14, and I've started to get errors I never got before. Specifically, I'm getting "Mailbox is locked, will abort in xx seconds" errors. My mail client (mutt) will just sit there in the background (presumably in IDLE) and randomly will show this error (I THINK it has something to do with delivering new messages to the folder; I use the dovecot LDA).

Nothing else about my configuration has changed, just the version of dovecot. Does anyone know what could be causing these? I assume it has something to do with the index files, but... Nothing interesting shows up in the log files. How do I get rid of these error messages? Or even begin tracking them down?

For what it's worth, mail is stored on the server in Maildirs, and the lock_method is fcntl, the mbox_write_locks is fcntl (I don't set mbox_read_locks).

For to accuse, requires less eloquence, such is man's nature, than to excuse; and condemnation, than absolution more resembles justice.
                                                  -- Hobbes, Leviathan

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