On Thursday, April 23 at 01:18 AM, quoth Timo Sirainen:
Do you actually notice something being broken/hanging or is it just that it gives those messages?

Nope - Dovecot's behavior is otherwise exemplary.

Do the xx seconds ever reach below 119?

I haven't been keeping track, but I generally only see them once at a time, with relatively high timeout values.

I added those notifications only recently and I guess it's possible that sometimes it gives them way too early (and actually I remember seeing one myself once). Hmm. Yeah, looks like the code doesn't really even try to prevent that. I'll add some check to make it hide them until at least 15 seconds has passed.


If Jack Valenti had been around at the time of Gutenberg he would have organized the monks to come and burn down the printing press.
                                       -- ITAA president Harris Miller

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