Hi all,


I’m actually running samba 3 as a primary domain controller. The
workstations of my network are all running windows (some xp, some vista) and
use Outlook 2007 as a web client.

Samba is set up with the following parameters :

  security = user

  passdb backend = tdbsam

  unix password sync = Yes

  domain master = yes

  domain logons = yes


Everything works fine on samba side, meaning that the machines are part of
the domain, and users do authenticate correctly.


For the moment, the users are getting their mail (pop3 or imap) through
dovecot (running on the same box as samba).

Dovecot is configured with mechanisms = plain.

I would like to secure it by using mechanisms = ntlm, but still using the
system users.

I found much information on how to authenticate against an active directory,
but nothing that allows me to keep my actual authentication against system
users. Indeed, if I just change the mechanisms to ntlm, dovecot does not
start anymore complaining that “NTLM mechanism can't be supported with given


Any help would be much appreciated as I already tried the whole day
yesterday to get it working …


Best regards,


Cédric Laruelle

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