On 126, 05 06, 2009 at 11:18:52AM +0200, C?dric Laruelle wrote:
> Hi all,
> I?m actually running samba 3 as a primary domain controller. The
> workstations of my network are all running windows (some xp, some vista) and
> use Outlook 2007 as a web client.
> Samba is set up with the following parameters :
>   security = user
>   passdb backend = tdbsam
>   unix password sync = Yes
>   domain master = yes
>   domain logons = yes
> Everything works fine on samba side, meaning that the machines are part of
> the domain, and users do authenticate correctly.
> For the moment, the users are getting their mail (pop3 or imap) through
> dovecot (running on the same box as samba).
> Dovecot is configured with mechanisms = plain.
> I would like to secure it by using mechanisms = ntlm, but still using the
> system users.
> I found much information on how to authenticate against an active directory,
> but nothing that allows me to keep my actual authentication against system
> users. Indeed, if I just change the mechanisms to ntlm, dovecot does not
> start anymore complaining that ?NTLM mechanism can't be supported with given
> passdbs?

You can authenticate your users via Samba's winbind daemon. Read more here:

> Any help would be much appreciated as I already tried the whole day
> yesterday to get it working ?
> Best regards,
> C?dric Laruelle

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