On Friday, May 29 at 09:46 AM, quoth Curtis Maloney:
This is certainly one advantage dbox and maildir have -- not being limited to the FS file size limit per folder.

That's not *entirely* accurate. Certainly no single message can exceed the 2GB limit even with maildir, and the other issue that begins to come up is the impact/effect of large numbers of files. Depending on the filesystem (I'm assuming ext2?), there's probably a hard limit on the number of files per directory, and almost certainly there's a big performance penalty for that many files. To get good performance with Maildir and really large folders, you need a filesystem that can handle large numbersof files. Ext3 has directory hashing, ReiserFS is good... I believe XFS and several others have tackled the problem as well (I don't know about FFS).

That said... eGADS - a real life FC4 in the wild?!?! According to fedoraproject.org:

   For 20030101-20050607 there are a potential 863 CVE named
   vulnerabilities that could have affected FC4 packages. 759 (88%)
   of those are fixed because FC4 includes an upstream version that
   includes a fix, 10 (1%) are still outstanding, and 94 (11%) are
   fixed with a backported patch.

That would make me a little nervous.... that's just the issues over the course of two years, ending in 2005 (FOUR years ago).

I would therefore like to posit that computing’s central challenge, how not to make a mess of it, has not yet been met.
                                                   -- Edsger Dijkstra

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