
The way I am testing is as follows.

Setup two users on the system. Send email from user A to user B.

Quota counts increase for user A as the email is copied to the Sent folder. 
User B quota count does not increase (size or messages)

Reply from user B to user A to confirm problem effects both accounts.

Remove email from sent items on one account and expunge and note quota record 

Remove email from INBOX and expunge, note quota record does not change.

Repeat sending emails from B to A and notice quota limit is reached on sent 
items - error is received copying email to sent items. With quota exceeded 
switch to user account A and continue to send emails to B, note that they 
appear in the INBOX of the user despite the full quota with no bounce back.

This behaviour is identical regardless of quota backend used (have tried 
maildir++ and dict so far).

This is using the default aptitude package of dovecot-postifx for ubuntu 9.0.4 
- Is this a bug?


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