
I'm running Dovecot 1.1.16 on a staging server to do some testing before building a new server and moving a bunch of qmail/vpopmail/courier accounts over.

I wanted to test the migration of courier accounts to dovecot with a few clients, so I copied over a few large accounts. All went well with a small account (100+ messages) when accessing the account via POP - no re-downloads after adjusting the uidl format. IMAP looks good as well after running the conversion script and setting the namespace properly.

However, one thing I copied over without paying much attention was a non-quota'd spam box that has literally not been checked in at least a year:

[r...@nac /var/vmail/]# ls new/| wc -l
   70501 valiantly tried to sync this, but when I realized just how huge this was, I took the account offline and quit the app. However it seems like Dovecot is still busy doing something in that mailbox:

lsof: no pwd entry for UID 5000
imap 27515 5000 7uW VREG 0,95 3372 2968764 /jails/
lsof: no pwd entry for UID 5000
imap 27515 5000 8u VREG 0,95 488 3007349 /jails/
lsof: no pwd entry for UID 5000
imap 27515 5000 9u VREG 0,95 25195 27064933 /jails/
lsof: no pwd entry for UID 5000
imap 27515 5000 10r VDIR 0,95 15171072 2968758 /jails/

My guess is it's trying to build an index. This process is chewing up 100% of whatever cpu it lands on. Is this expected behavior (not the huge cpu usage, but the imap server continuing to work on the box after the client has logged out)?

Are there any config settings I've missed to sort of put a cap on how much cpu/time dovecot will spend on a task like this? So far this has been running for about 20 minutes. I'm going to kill it and manually delete the spam since I'm not familiar enough with gdb to dig in and see just what it's doing (although my guess is indexing).

On the upside, I have some serious spam magnet addresses in this test domain, so now I've got a great platform to test my amavis/postfix/policy skills. :)



Charles Sprickman
NetEng/SysAdmin - New York's Best Internet - - 212.655.9344

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