On Sat, 2009-08-29 at 01:57 -0400, Charles Sprickman wrote:
> [r...@nac /var/vmail/xxx.com/spork/Maildir/.Spam]# ls new/| wc 
> -l
>     70501
> Mail.app valiantly tried to sync this, but when I realized just how huge 
> this was, I took the account offline and quit the app.  However it seems 
> like Dovecot is still busy doing something in that mailbox:

It's most likely busy moving all the messages from new/ to cur/. You
could have checked that with strace.

> My guess is it's trying to build an index.  This process is chewing up 
> 100% of whatever cpu it lands on.  Is this expected behavior (not the huge 
> cpu usage, but the imap server continuing to work on the box after the 
> client has logged out)?

Yes. These kind of long-running tasks are very rare, so I haven't
bothered adding any "is client still there?" checks to the code.

> Are there any config settings I've missed to sort of put a cap on how much 
> cpu/time dovecot will spend on a task like this?


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