Hello All,

I haven't seen the answer to this, maybe I am just using the wrong
searches. I have two queries related to this:

1) I have seen how to configure for LDAP and Kerberos. AD uses both
together. All user information is in AD/LDAP and authentication is
AD/Kerberos. How can I configure Dovecot to use both appropriately?

2) I can cause Samba to create certain directories on login, etc.
However, I am needing to do this for Dovecot (and Postfix using Dovecot
deliver). I would prefer to use Dovecot functionality for this, not
Samba.This is not the autocreate folder/subscribe stuff, at least I
think not. For example if I have a directory /var/mail/domain/user. Can
I have Dovecot auto create (with proper permissions) the domain/user
part? These would be used for maildir.

Thank you,
Trever Adams

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