On Oct 7, 2009, at 12:36 AM, Trever L. Adams wrote:

I haven't seen the answer to this, maybe I am just using the wrong
searches. I have two queries related to this:

1) I have seen how to configure for LDAP and Kerberos. AD uses both
together. All user information is in AD/LDAP and authentication is
AD/Kerberos. How can I configure Dovecot to use both appropriately?

You could forget about the Kerberos part and just use AD as an LDAP server.

2) I can cause Samba to create certain directories on login, etc.
However, I am needing to do this for Dovecot (and Postfix using Dovecot
deliver). I would prefer to use Dovecot functionality for this, not
Samba.This is not the autocreate folder/subscribe stuff, at least I
think not. For example if I have a directory /var/mail/domain/user. Can
I have Dovecot auto create (with proper permissions) the domain/user
part? These would be used for maildir.

If you're using the same UNIX UID for all users, there's really nothing you need to do. Dovecot tries to create missing directories automatically.

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