
I've switched from courier-imap to dovecot to benefit from the virtual
folder feature. I'm using dovecot 1.2.6 on Gentoo Linux. However, I',
getting the message "[NONEXISTENT] Mailbox doesn't exist: <name>" from
Thunderbird when I try to access any virtual folder.

The relevant setup:

mail_location = maildir:~/.maildir

namespace private {
   separator = .
   inbox = yes
   hidden = yes
   list = yes

namespace private {
  prefix = virtual.
  separator = .
  location = virtual:~/.maildir/.virtual

I then created the folders ~user/.maildir/.virtual and
~user/.maildir/.virtual.test and placed a file in .virtual.test with the


After a dovecot restart I'm getting the error message:
"[NONEXISTENT] Mailbox doesn't exist: test"

Where did I make the mistake in the configuration? Is the "." path
separator a problem case?


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