On 21/01/2010 17:53, David Halik wrote:

Good news and bad news.

The good news is that I've been core dump free for about 24 hours. The duplicate message issue is still there, so if you wanted that fix then I guess the patch is not complete yet, otherwise it looks good.

The bad news is that I'm now convinced that another problem I've been experiencing is real and not related to any of this since it's still persists.

Randomly for a few releases now myself and my coworkers have been seeing a weird bug where old mail marked as "read" suddenly becomes marked as "new" again when going into a folder. Sometimes it's as bad as the entire folder deciding it is all unread when in fact is was all read, other times it's randomly a few pieces of mail that constantly revert to unread status. I've watched this on my personal server as well as heard complaints from our user population.

I don't believe this is an NFS issue because my personal account is a standalone server with both a local index and maildir running 1.2.9. Also, I'm only ever connected from one place at a time. Just this morning when I got to work I logged in with Thunderbird and my "dovecot" mailing list folder suddenly had 3,000 new messages in it, all of which had been previous read. I marked the folder as read, then a little while later I went into the older and they all reverted to new again. I've also seen it where if I try deleting one of these messages marked as new, it disappears for a second, then magically reappears in my folder as new.

Unfortunately, I'm not seeing a single log message related to this. As you can tell, I watch the logs like a hawk, yet nothing ever appears to throw an error or any message whatsoever. All my test cases have been with Thunderbird 3.0, I'm not sure if other clients a
re seeing this.

Hello, same problem here. I use Thunderbird 3.0.1. The strange thing is that with the same version of TB on my PC at home I don't have this issue. The same TB on my work PC has this issue and only on one account (that has Dovecot as imap server) but I have other account (some with dovecot, other with courier-imap) where this does not happen, so I think is TB related.

Also here no NFS, ext3.

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