On Fri, 2010-01-22 at 15:53 -0500, Frank Cusack wrote:
> In the future, it would be cool if there were a mailbox format (dbox2?)
> where mail headers and each mime part were stored in separate files.
> This would enable the zfs dedup feature to be used to maximum benefit.

This is more or less what dbox's single instance storage is going to do.
Maybe in half a year or so.. And you don't even need filesystem
deduplication feature. :)

It would also be possible to already write such Maildir feature. Someone
on this list already wrote header/body separation code, which was pretty
easy to do with a plugin.

> In the zfs filesystem, there is a dedup feature which stores only 1 copy
> of duplicate blocks.  In a normal mail file, the headers will be
> different for each recipient and the chances of the content of the message
> being able to be dedup'd are close to zero, because the differences in
> header length changes the block boundaries for the rest of the message.
> But if each mime part is stored in a separate file, you get massive
> compression "for free".

Dunno about zfs, but I've heard that at least in one NetApp installation
deduplication was way too heavyweight.

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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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