On Fri, 22 Jan 2010, Frank Cusack wrote:

On January 22, 2010 11:05:22 PM +0200 Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
Dunno about zfs, but I've heard that at least in one NetApp installation
deduplication was way too heavyweight.

zfs dedup is pretty resources intensive -- for writes.  For mail I
suspect reads overwhelm writes?

Sorry for the tangent, but I wonder if anyone here is running lots of Maildirs on zfs? I just recently started experimenting with it on our backups server (FBSD 8.0), and I really am liking it. I was also surprised at how my little 4 drive raidz volume performed in benchmarks - quite impressive.

I'd seen some comments here in the past that zfs+maildirs = bad. Anything to back that up? Any comparisons to UFS2 on FBSD?

For a number of reasons, running zfs on my main mail host would be very handy (backups and easy expansion being the two big ones).




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