On Fri, Feb 05, 2010 at 08:25:01PM +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-02-05 at 19:37 +0300, Dmitri V. Ivanov wrote:
> > Well-well-well. I don't know the situation with dovecot POP3 server, but 
> > look
> > on RFC 2449 and especially "expire" extension.
> > 
> > I think there is other question and it is right one:
> > 
> > Can dovecot pop3 server deal with pop3 extensions (supports "capa" command)
> > and can it deal with "expire" extension and how to use it?
> I haven't looked at the expire extension, but my guess is that about
> zero clients support it, so it's not really relevant if Dovecot supports
> it or not.


Cyrus pop3d supports it for some reason, qpopper allows adding it into responce
of "capa" pop3 command.

Some old pine releases was crashed with it...

But seem's you are right. There is no support with thunderbird for end-user. So
this way to declare expiration policy isn't usefull... Sorry...

Dmitri Ivanov

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