Timo Sirainen put forth on 2/15/2010 8:18 AM:
> On 15.2.2010, at 16.14, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> Upgraded from Debian Dovecot 1.0.15 to Debian Dovecot 1.2.10-1~bpo50+1.
>> Problem:  Instantly noticed in TB 3.0.1 Win32 that all emails in all folders
>> were marked as unread.
> This is a Thunderbird bug and there have been several threads about this 
> here. Basically the fix is to disable CONDSTORE support in Thunderbird until 
> 3.0.2 is released.

I guess I should have paid closer attention to that thread.  Since I wasn't
seeing that problem with my 3.0.1 I assumed it didn't apply to me.  Apparently
it just didn't apply to dovecot 1.0.15, but does apply to 1.2.10.  Yes?  Dovecot
1.0.15 was working pretty much perfectly for me.  But, it was so long in the
tooth I figured I should upgrade now that a new Debian package was available.

Sorry the row.  I should have remembered that thread.  It was just a week or two


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