Timo Sirainen put forth on 2/15/2010 11:19 AM:
> Well, the issue is, with mbox, you can decide if the name you create:
> a) can hold child mailboxes, or messages
> or
> b) messages, and no mailboxes
> it makes more sense when you think about them as directories and files. WIth 
> mbox a mailbox is a file. So:

The problem was not that I lack understanding of mbox "imap sub folder"
implementation (read a lot about it trying to fix this), but that I incorrectly
long ago read "or" instead of "and" in the TB check box description, and hadn't
thoroughly re-read the description recently. :(

The important thing is that discussing it here and getting feedback from you
wonderful folks helped me find the problem and fix it. :)


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