On Feb 25, 2010, at 3:05 PM, Carlos Williams wrote:

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:21 PM, Rick Romero <r...@havokmon.com> wrote:
The subscriptions file is only used by the MUAs, and you can set them to ignore it. I would just tell the MUAs to ignore it. You can safely delete
it - except if you have an MUA that is using it then the folders will

I suppose if you have a PDA and a huge folder structure you might have the
PDA use subscriptions and trim down the folder list...

I would 'start fresh' and remove it.

When I remove this file, my mail clients (webmail & Thunderbird) no
longer see any of my sub folders. How can I remove this file if it
holds obsolete data and still be able to see my Inbox sub folders?

I reverted back to my original dovecot.conf file as when I posted my
original. No changes basically have been made. When I add your
suggestion for namespace to my config, I for some reason then have a
main Inbox folder in my mail client and then it has a subdirectory
called inbox and that has all my IMAP folders listed. So it's a bit
redundant for the Inbox folder only.

You need to:

1. Remove your subscriptions file.
2. Set your client to ignore subscriptions and view all folders.
3. Then, and only then, settle on a server configuration (including any namespaces you may choose to use), and then re-subscribe to folders in your client (if you are going to insist on using subscriptions).

It's impossible to get your server configuration correct if you're judging the user-visible side by a client using legacy subscriptions, particularly if the subscriptions file is in an unreliable state (as it sounds like yours is--as most of them almost always are).


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