On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 15:25, Jerry <dovecot.u...@seibercom.net> wrote:

> From my 'master.cf' file:
> dovecot   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
>  flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver
> -f ${sender} -d ${us...@${nexthop}
> From 'main.cf' file: (snippet)
> virtual_gid_maps = static:1002
> virtual_minimum_uid = 100
> virtual_transport = dovecot
> virtual_uid_maps = static:1002

I want to give this approach a try.  But I can't find anything in the docs
on what ${nexthop} means.  I'm not doing any hopping.  I don't know what to
put in here.  Is this just the domain?  Would that be ${domain} that I need
to use?

I just gave it a shot.  Nothing is happening.  Postfix comes up.  Email into
port 25 goes in.  But nothing shows up in a mailbox and the log files are
not created.  It's as if deliver doesn't even get run.

Oops ... just found that the mail is showing up in /var/mail/${USER} ...
totally wrong place like Postfix is ignoring this and not running
dovecot/deliver at all.

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