On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 09:04 -0400, Phil Howard wrote:

> > The reason we moved from qmail/vpopmail CDB to qmail/vpopmail/mysql was
> > for a  MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT in performance, then added dovecot in for
> > even more performance improvements,  I too was hesitant, but a large
> > university having similar problems to us made the change and it was like
> > comparing a snail V porsche, I made our change based on their results
> > and never looked back, of course we then had the sense to migrate to
> > postfix and remove vpopmail from the equation altogether. Best move
> > ever, so yes experience counts.
> >
> CDB can still run circles around any *SQL DB.  Sounds to me like you were
> using CDB wrong or other factors in your situation made CDB impractical.
> One such situation could be frequent updates. 

yes, correct very frequent updates (as mentioned earlier in this thread,
seems you have memory)
it simply couldnt handle it.

>  If you need to do frequent
> updates, and with 100K users that may well be the case, then CDB can be a
> loss.  Did you try Berkeley DB?

eh?  WTF is it with you and old methods, this is the year 2010, not 1990

> Now show me how this means CDB is bad for lookups.

*sigh* I think  ive done that several times and I hate repeating
myself.. though I think i have woken up to you now..
 did you write part of the CDB code? you must have to be such a fanboi
after you've been told a circumstance where it just doesnt cut it
you sir are bordering on trolling

> Where is the "reply to list" button on Evolution?  I don't see one there,
> either.  All it has are "reply" and "reply to all".  The reply sends to the

yup trolling, or you have a reading comprehension problem, given I
already told you in my last post.

dont bother replying, ive played your troll games long enough. and as
its the weekend Im not sitting here wasting it (lovely day outside) on
idiots like you.

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