
I'm working on a setup of dovecot 2 + netqmail + vpopmail 5.5 but auth doesn't works :(

dovecot -n
# 2.0.1: /etc/dovecot/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux x86_64 Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
auth_debug = yes
auth_debug_passwords = yes
auth_mechanisms = plain login cram-md5
auth_verbose = yes
auth_verbose_passwords = plain
disable_plaintext_auth = no
log_path = /var/log/dovecot/dovecot.log
login_greeting = Dovecot ready.
mail_debug = yes
passdb {
  driver = vpopmail
ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem
ssl_key = </etc/ssl/private/dovecot.pem
userdb {
  driver = vpopmail
verbose_ssl = yes

Aug 27 14:11:55 auth: Debug: client in: AUTH 1 PLAIN service=imap secured lip= rip= lport=143 rport=33875
Aug 27 14:11:55 auth: Debug: client out: CONT   1       
Aug 27 14:11:56 auth: Debug: client in: CONT 1 AHRvb3JvcEByZXNwdWJsaWNhLmZyAG11cnBoeTI1 Aug 27 14:11:56 auth: Debug: vpopmail(too...@respublica.fr, lookup user=toorop domain=respublica.fr Aug 27 14:11:56 auth: Info: vpopmail(too...@respublica.fr, unknown user
Aug 27 14:11:58 auth: Debug: client out: FAIL   1       
Aug 27 14:11:58 auth: Debug: client in: AUTH 2 PLAIN service=imap secured lip= rip= lport=143 rport=33875 resp=AHRvb3JvcEByZXNwdWJsaWNhLmZyAG11cnBoeTI1 Aug 27 14:12:02 auth: Debug: vpopmail(too...@respublica.fr, lookup user=toorop domain=respublica.fr Aug 27 14:12:02 auth: Info: vpopmail(too...@respublica.fr, unknown user
Aug 27 14:12:04 auth: Debug: client out: FAIL   2       

 ./vuserinfo too...@respublica.fr
name:   toorop
passwd: $1$sOC22F4C$8.ciZmdTZkNnFLFB8EsZm0
clear passwd: clearpass
comment/gecos: toorop
uid:    1
gid:    0
flags:  0
gecos: toorop
limits: No user limits set.
dir:       /home/vpopmail/domains/respublica.fr/toorop
quota:     NOQUOTA
usage:     0% (8487 byte(s) in 3 file(s))

Any idea ?



«Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait.»
Mark Twain

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