
im just testing 2.0 before upgrading to v1.2 :)

in auth-ldap.conf.ext i found

# If you don't have any user-specific settings, you can avoid the userdb LDAP
# lookup by using userdb static instead of userdb ldap, for example:
# <doc/wiki/UserDatabase.Static.txt>
#userdb {
  #driver = static
  #args = uid=vmail gid=vmail home=/var/vmail/%u

On 1.2 im using LDAP lookup and everthing works like a charm.
user_attrs = homeDirectory=home,uid=mail=maildir:/home/MAILBOXES/%$/mail

On 2.0 is now tried to use this option cause all my mail are stored in
userdb {
  driver = static
  args = uid=vmail gid=vmail home=/home/MAILBOXES/%u/mail

and that doesnt work
log say:
dovecot: imap(hpeter): Error: user hpeter: Initialization failed:
mail_location not set and autodetection failed: Mail storage
autodetection failed with home=/home/MAILBOXES/hpeter/mail


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