I have some problems with setting shared mailboxes . I use dovecot 1.2.11 with following namespaces :

mail_location: maildir:~

  type: private
  separator: .
  inbox: yes
  list: yes
  subscriptions: yes
  type: private
  separator: .
  prefix: INBOX.
  hidden: yes
  list: no
  subscriptions: yes
  type: shared
  separator: .
  prefix: shared.%%n.
  location: maildir:/home/sites/%d/mail/%%n/Maildir/
  list: children

  acl: vfile
  acl_shared_dict: proxy::acl

  acl: mysql:/usr/local/etc/dovecot-share-sql.conf

In the private namespace I use to have only INBOX. space because I have migrate from courier and I ahave problemes with duplicate folders.

The disk structure looks like :

What I'am trying to do is to give access to a user (us...@domain.tld) some other user mailbox (us...@domain.tld).

in the /home/sites/domain.tld/mail/user1/Maildir I have created a file
dovecot-acl with :

owner lrwstipekxa
user=us...@domain.tld rl

- in the dovecot-share-sql.conf I have :

connect = host=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock dbname=xxxx user=xxx password=postfixpass
map {
    pattern = shared/shared-boxes/user/$to/$from
    table = user_shares
    value_field = dummy

    fields {
    from_user = $from
    to_user = $to

and in the user_share table :

| from_user         | to_user          | dummy |
| us...@myhost.ro   | us...@domain.tld | 1     |
| user1             | user2            | 1     |

(not sure what I need %n or %u)

Now , in TB under the user2 , if I check subscribe , under the shared, I have a INBOX folder that is always check but nothing else. From what I understand I suppose to see user1 folders and I think it is something wrong with my config (namespaces, paths).

If someone have succeeded to configure dovecot with shared mailboxes and namespaces that use . as separator please help me.


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