On 10/10/2010 2:57 PM, Jerrale G wrote:

I'm probably talking out of the wrong hole again - but have you tried removing squat from your plugin list to see if it makes a difference?
Daniel Miller,

Please do not get all defensive when someone asks why they're having performance issues. You act like he said "Because of dovecot, i'm having POP3 or IMAP performance problems". He only said he noticed a change since going to 2.0.5. You could have suggested to try disabling all the plugins and then enabling each one until he notices a huge performance decrease, using whatever he was using to benchmark, instead of ignorantly implying he should have already known to do so.

I find this an all too frequent occurrence in e-mail correspondence - that humor doesn't translate well. My statement had NOTHING to do with the original author - and everything to do with the fact that *I* am a Linux novice in general, a noob e-mail admin in particular - and I was being *SELF*-deprecating.

I would go on - but have no wish to start a flame war. Suffice it to say if offense was taken, by anyone, then please accept my most sincere & humble apologies. No offense was intended. I will say, however, that I've found most people who feel slighted on discussion groups are quite capable of voicing their issues themselves - a third party "defender" is rarely necessary and usually creates more problems than were ever there originally. I'm quite certain Mr. Hildebrandt either took no offense because he recognized none was intended - and/or because he knows his own worth and disregards my opinion as insignficant - both of which are equally valid.

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