On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 13:28:03 -0600
Stan Hoeppner <s...@hardwarefreak.com> articulated:

> Jerry put forth on 11/15/2010 12:47 PM:
> >> Also, what if at some point management forces you to dump Dovecot
> >> and move to a platform that doesn't offer SIS?  If you change your
> >> tune with said users now, in the future, you may have screwed
> >> yourself after re-educating your users to the "SIS" way.
> > 
> > Now that appears to be a rather cavalier attitude to take towards
> > the OP's end users.
> End users hate self contradictory statements made by anyone,
> especially the IT department, and especially when they see no
> tangible benefit of said change.  They see the change as a pain the
> their ass, and simply a benefit to the IT department.  In these
> situations, the IT dept better have a manager on staff with some darn
> good PR skills. :)

I am not seeing where you got this "self contradictory statements"
from. Furthermore, a reasonably educate individual does not see
"change" in the terms of anal discomfort, unless they as conservatives.
A conservative being someone who never envisioned a new concept that
they did not dislike. In any case, this is not a job for the PR
department. Rather, it just requires someone with a "set". More
apropos, I believe you are simply blowing this whole thing out of

Jerry ✌

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