Stan Hoeppner schrieb:


I'm blowing nothing out of proportion.  I simply made an observation.  I

I think you might have, by now, noticed OPs the humour -- so I won't stress it.

don't know about Europe, or anywhere else, but in American cusiness
culture, in general, most users either dislike or outright hate the IT

I can't speak for Europe at all but in here in Germany most people like thier IT at large.


I believe you are making this into more than it needs to be.  Have you
ever worked in an IT environment with over 1000 users?  And those users


all love the IT staff, baking cookies for them etc?  Send me contact


info PLEASE so I can forward my resume.

Nope, the job is taken.

. o O (and Charles might be right, he might be bored to death)


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