On Mon, 17 Jan 2011, Steve wrote:

Von: Giles Coochey <gi...@coochey.net>

That can depend on what you clasify as SPAM. Many, 'newsletters' which
you've been 'subscribed to' by negative option web-forms are considered
SPAM by some, and those may contain PDF attachments of 500kb+

Welll.... I wrote about "usual" and those newsletter that you tag as Spam but 
have subscribed to them are definitely not the norm.

I didn't count "newsletters" I subscribed to.. Always using traceable addresses for those. In this case, it was JPG spam with large pics. Some claiming to be LED lighting newsletter, others disguised as new year's greetings. But content showed something not quite related to LEDs or happy new year stuff :-P All these big spams are addressed to bogus addresses, and/or standard addresses like info@domain. Usually with info@some-other-domain in the From: header.

But these are my last 2 cents for this thread as it has been derailing for quite some time now ;-)


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