
I have read carefully about dbox (/http://wiki2.dovecot.org/MailboxFormat/dbox/) and I have some questions:

- One of the main advantages (speed wise) of dbox over maildir is that index files are the only storage for message flags and keywords. What happens when we want to recover some messages from backup? With maildir we can rebuild message indexes, but I am not sure about dbox. Should we also restore "old indexes" and merge with the "new indexes" in order to restore the deleted messages?

- The previous question applies to sdbox and mdbox. In the case of mdbox, we can configure rotation of files using /mdbox_rotate_size/ . We would like to rotate daily, not based in size (our users ask us for yesterday's backup). How can we accomplish this?

We have now 17.000.000 messages in our maildir, almost 1.5 TB (zlib compresssion enabled). Our backup time with bacula is rather bad: 24 hours for a full backup, most of the time the backup is busy fstat'ing all those little messages. We think that mdbox can help us in this. Does anybody has good experiences migrating from maildir->mdox in "large" enviroments? What about mdox performance & reliability?

    Thank you for your support


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