Am 18.02.2011 um 03:05 schrieb Stan Hoeppner <>:

> Thomas Skowron put forth on 2/17/2011 6:19 PM:
>> Versions seem to be okay. The only thing that has been updated on the
>> server is the kernel (2.6.26-2-xen-amd64). Could this be possibly a problem?
> Squeeze is built against kernel 2.6.32-5.  Although it is unlikely that
> the old 2.6.26 kernel is related to this problem I guess it's possible.
> Regardless you should upgrade the kernel to the amd64 squeeze kernel.
> Why are you running a Xen kernel?  That would suggest you're running
> multiple virtual machines.  Are you?  Is this Dovecot server inside a
> virtual machine?  If so, why are you reporting to us the kernel version
> of the hypervisor instead of the guest OS?

I am on a virtual machine (it's a virtual dedicated server).
I have performed a standard dist upgrade, but my provider isn't giving
me the possibility to upgrade the kernel. It's a mess.
Why Xen? No idea. That's simply what uname -a says me.

Well, I assume I got to ask my provider
for any information.

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